Ylana is an artist, and multi-media professional with a passion for visual storytelling that started at the age of six when she was given her first camera and a subscription to National Geographic. It was a love affair that never faded. An alum of the Maine Photographic Workshops, she enjoys sharing the process of seeing and creating, and encouraging others to do the same.
An avid water, nature, and wildlife enthusiast, she developed a deep interest in coral reef ecology while studying on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Her love of connecting with people led her to work on multiple independent projects, from film and music, to promoting new work by women in local theater. Splitting her time between New York and Seattle, she enjoys traveling and documenting her way around the world, and volunteering her time with groups that work towards environmental awareness, and social equity.
Currently on assignment with Bing, and working freelance as a photo producer and photographer,